Sunday, March 14, 2010
Is it summer yet??? I haven't posted in ages! Sorry about that. I've been so busy with school and work and personal things that this sometimes get put on the back burner. . . WELL NO MORE! I forgot how theraputic writing can be. Ah, so much has happened. Well, first it's finally getting warmer and I couldn't be more excited. Second, it's Spring Break now :P so no late nights at school for a week! I'm not doing anything of course, saving money to visit England in the summer, which I just purchased my ticket for and I don't think I've ever spent soooo much money on one item except for when I bought a car! But it will be worth it. Third, work is picking up, very busy time, had to hire on more peeps! :) Fourth, I think I spend more money on hangers for all the clothes I buy than on gas! Ha, jk but seriously every time I do laundry, I need more hangers.... and I tried just not hanging up my clothes but that ended up with me sleeping on the couch as my clothes took over my bed. So, my point is I finally hung up all my clothes well most, I need more hangers. Fifth, went to the Shirin Askari Fashion Debut! My first fashion show and I loved it! Shirin is soooo talented and her collection blew me away. Very proud of my fellow former UNT peer. Sixth, I have been taking 2D design and have so far done 4 projects, 2 of which got put on display at my school. :) I guess I am talented. Ha. Phew, anything else? Not that I can remember right now. I finally took some pix of new summer clothes I bought, I'm hoping the sun will see my impatience and stay out more often. The trends I found were maxi dresses, polka dots EVERYWHERE and jumpers! I love love love jumpers! So, below are some pix of my Victoria's Secret swimsuit and my Target jumper, flower maxi dress and sun hat! Enjoi!

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