Friday, March 30, 2012

Pinterest is all the rage!

Wow has this blown up! I remember when a friend of mine told me about Pinterest, I was like huh? And now it's the biggest social media site up there with facebook and twitter! It's cool though because I LURV Pinterest and spend alot of my free time pinning. Well I came across some Pinners you might want to follow if you're a huge fashion buff like me:

Let's start with the great Nina Garcia. She's got great fashion pins as well as design and just fabulous ideas.

Next Shopbop, that amazing site that I can't afford anything on has their own boards and they are pretty cool.

How about Kate Spade? Yes ma'am there is a Kate Spade Pinterest account.

Of course, Bergdorf Goodman. Duh.

The beautiful and inspirational Coco Rocha, she just reeks coolness.

Another duh, Barney's New York.

And last but not least, me! LOL! Shanette Ortiz


TGIF! Work earrings panties wine boyfriend

Thank...god...! Got some fun stuff I found on College Fashion Haute Links, they send me an email every Friday with cool stuff and articles to look up and I picked out a few for ya!

How about a DIY crochet seam shirt? Http://

Or some Hunger Game makeup and wedding inspiration? Http://


Or how about Karl Lagerfeld's daily routines? When you have that much money, it's kind of expected for you to be extravagant.

Last but not least, some more DIY Studded bracelets.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Follow me on Pinterest! That's where I've been lol!